Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Version posted

Rug Weaver has come a long way in the last few days. All of the codelets have been implemented including the Weave codelets. Everything also fades. The code has been massively cleaned up.

Each object is not reliably created and cleared, and the all null pointer exceptions have been handled.

The next step is to take care of the hit test code.

Here is the link...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

RW deployed as Applet

Many issues were resolved this week. All of the drawing codelets were connected to the code that actually does the drawing and color issues were resolved.

The weave codelet setup is complete. Each drawing class reports the last object drawn to the Engine class for use by Weave. Weave now needs to take the information from the Engine and fill in the white space between the stiches in an appropriate way.

The Applet has been deployed at although the deployment needs some more tweaking.

This next week will be taken up with fully implementing the Weave codelet and tweaking the deployment.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I think this has been a very productive few days.

I have successfully compiled RW for the first time.

I have successfully implemented all of the codelets (yesterday), and sorted out the color value passing from the codelets to the draw methods (today).

I also figured out the onBegin() method to have it clear the previous drawings so old items are no longer present. (Thank you Jason for your direction).

The good news is that point, line, rectangle, and triangle work fine.

The bad news is that the iteration codelets are somewhat flaky. For example, if you draw a line iteration or a triangle iteration and then click on the drawn object all of the codelets disappear in the prgrammed pane and the Methods pane... poof! Nothing I've tried gets them back, you have to restart the applet.

I have committed my changes, so the next step is to deploy it on the CS server for everyone to tryout.