Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cornrow Curvew Continued

1) Remove 'start braiding' codelet
Start braiding codelet has been replaced with the properties listed in the properties panel and changes are reflected in the behavior of the program.

2) Implement xy reflection codelet
Already done.

3) Values showing in properties panel
Done in number 1 above.

4) Vector on and off toggle w/ default of false

5) Grid can now be toggled on and off with the default set to on.

6) You can now set the background color - I have dimmed the background from bright white (255, 255, 255) to (200, 200, 200). I think it's a little less straining on the eye.

7) Default values have been implemented in all codelets.

8) Adjusted the default values for the default script.
9) Changed the screen size so that when the applet starts the Cartesian gird appears as square - reducing the distortion on the Plait.
10) Changed the Reflection codelet from using 0 = false and 1 = true to just false and true with false being the default value.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cornrow Curves

The result of clicking 'Begin' with three objects defined.

The result of clicking stop and Clear Drawing.

Fixed default script so that it shows properly when the program starts. Reworked start up script so that it incorporates the 'Repeat while' iterative control. Working on class attributes so that each instance of the class retains its own values, for example the color attribute. I think this is fixed now, with different braids retaining the different colors that were set for them.

I saved the .xml file, however the applet froze when I 'opened' it.

I have adjusted the code so that when you click 'clear drawing' the original plaits show in their original position. Previously, the last plait drawn remained on the screen. The starting position makes more sense I think. CC needs additional debugging and I am happy to continue working through that.

FQ and MG have both been updated with the new core and both have had their default scripts updated so that they work in the new format.