Monday, February 27, 2012

Updating pCSDT file structures.

In order to make it easier to load the pCSDTs on to a local machine and not have any of the dependencies fail - and not have to change the .jnlp files... I have added local.jnlp to the root to the following tools...

BL Bead Loom local.jnlp added, tested, and deployed
CC Cornrow Curves local.jnlp added, tested, and deployed
GG Graphiti Grapher local.jnlp added, tested and deployed
KC Kente Cloth local.jnlp added, tested, and deployed
SB Skate Boarder local.jnlp added, tested, and deployed

created and uploaded a new web_deploy file and uploaded it to the repository.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7th, 2012

I have updated the tools so that the xml files should be compatible with the new community website.

I think I have arrived at a Kente Cloth simulation weave that more accurately represents the finished product with out adding too much overhead...

The Kente Cloth simulation is deployed here...

Kente picture

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Creation of Bead Loom and updates to Cornrows.

Copied and converted the Kente Cloth simulation pCSDT to Bead Loom simulation.

Cornrows simulation:

Removed 'Absolute Rotation'.

Removed Method 'Set Plait Image'. It would be nice that codelets loaded into the method panel in the order they appear in the .java source file. That way if the developer wanted a particular one to appear at the top (or bottom), it would be based on that order. (Need to look into that further).

pCSDT Bead Loom is now deployed here.


Bead Loom



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Work for week 10/11

Deployment issues with both Cornrow Curves and Kente Cloth have been worked out and the new applets with the revised goal images are now deployed.

I have also been working on additional testing and code optimization for Kente Cloth.

Kente Cloth, complete with goal images and current text is available here.

A culture neutral version of Kente Cloth has been deployed here.

The latest version of Cornrow Curves is available here.

In addition, I have made a start in coloring the tabs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

1) Debugged Kente cloth application.

2) worked on goal image panel to make the images consistently load in a 'same size' button label.

3) Updated .html formats in Kente and CC to be consistent.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Work for week ending September 14

The Goal images panel is almost complete. When it loads, it places 4 goal images per page along with an editor pane that shows the HTML text associated with the image. I have added a scrollbar and set the goalImages pane to an initial size equivalent to the Applet. I think this is suitable for small screens especially, that when the panel loads it is navigable.

Previous accomplishments that did not get blogged about include...
Change 'Properties' to 'Sensing'.
Change 'Basic' to 'Starting Values'.
Prioritize order of sensing and codelets.

Goal images panel will be complete and deployed shortly, it is still in the debugging stage.

Before Selection.

After Selection

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Work for week 7/31 - 8/6

Made changes to the demo scripts for CC as requested by Ron, and redeployed the applet to the ccd server.





Changed codelet goto x,y into Set x and Set y. This will allow changing the individual values of x or y without affecting the other value.

Exposed both x and y in the properties pane for use in building scripts.

Constructed sample Kente Cloth script.


Redepoyed applet onto ccd server.